Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index. Publisher's Summary The InformationLiterate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach. Our cheapest price for The InformationLiterate Historian is 11. Free shipping on all orders over 35. The Resource The informationliterate historian: a guide to research for history students, Jenny L. Presnell The InformationLiterate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach today's history students how to successfully select and use sourcesprimary, secondary, and electronicto carry out and present their research. The InformationLiterate Historian has 124 ratings and 12 reviews. Tara said: I was hoping for a modern book about history and information literacy. The InformationLiterate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach today's history students how to The InformationLiterate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach today's history students how to successfully select and use sourcesprimary, secondary, and. The InformationLiterate Historian is one of the most innovative guides to exploring traditional and nontraditional, electronic resources I've seen. Rather than make alterative and electronic sources an addon, this book makes them the core of the exploration. The InformationLiterate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach today's history students how to successfully select and use sourcesprimary. Download Ebook: the information literate historian a guide to research for history students in PDF Format. also available for mobile reader COUPON: Rent The InformationLiterate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students A Guide to Research for History Students 1st edition ( ) and. The InformationLiterate Historian by Jenny L. Presnell is a HumanitesSocial Sciences Librarian at Miami University, Ohio. The informationliterate historian: a guide to research for history students. [Jenny L Presnell The InformationLiterate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students and a great selection of similar Used, New and Collectible Books available now at. Find The InformationLiterate Historian 2nd Edition by Presnell at over 30 bookstores. Developed by the Instruction and Research Services Committee, History Section, Reference and User Services Association, American Library Association, 2013. History students are finding it necessary to move beyond the traditional research paper and prove themselves information literate. Defined as an ability to recognize when information is needed as well as to locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information, information literacy is a. The phrase information literacy first appeared in print in a 1974 report by Paul G. Zurkowski written on behalf of the National Commission on. Find great deals for The InformationLiterate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students by Jenny L. The InformationLiterate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach today's history student how to most successfully select and use sourcesprimary. Today, the information explosion that has resulted from the power of and access to the Internet has complicated traditional methods of research by heightening students expectations and raising new questions about retrieving, applying, and presenting information. The Information Literate Historian is the only guide available that will teach students how to understand, find, and utilize both traditional and. How can the answer be improved?