How to Locate Ford Tractor Serial Numbers Serial numbers for tractors manufactured between 1965 and 1975 are located followed by 8N or 9N, a sequence of. The best way to identify a tractor is by the serial number. Serial numbers on the 9N2N and 8N tractors are located on the left side of the engine block, just below. Ford Tractor Serial Numbers 1917 1964, 9N FORD is Dedicated to Antique Tractors of All Kinds, 8n, 2n, 9n, ford, tractors, fordson, antique, dearborn, ferguson, john. 8n Serial Number Location found in: Wiring Harness Diagrams Antique Tractor Blog, different kits for the same tractor based. 9N, 2N, and 8N Ford tractors: produced from 1939 to 1952. The serial number is located on the midleft side of the engine block on an approximately 12x 3 vertical. 9N2N serial numbers start with 9N. 8N serial numbers start with 8N. NAN means that it is a kerosene burning engine. NNN means that it is a industrial engine. A diamond symbol that is stamped before. I need some help locating serial number on my front distributor 8N. It is NOT stamped in left side of block just below head rear of oil filter. So whe Ford 8N tractor photos Ford 8N operator station and controls. Ford 8N serial number location: Page information: Last update. All earlier 9N2N8N models have the stars. All models made after the 8N will have the diamond markers. The format for the serial number on the 9N2N8N tractors is 8N. All serial numbers will begin with either 9N or 8N followed by the number. There are no 2N serial numbers; all 2N tractors retained the 9N serial numbers. For Ford 2000 through Ford 5000 tractors, the serial number is located on the right side of the engine on the flywheel housing behind the starter motor. Serial numbers indicate when the engine was manufactured. 9N serial numbers indicate manufacture between 1939 and 1947. 8N serial numbers indicate manufacture between 1947 and 1952. A web site containing information about the Neff family's 1940 Ford Ferguson 9N and the Serial Number Location. 9N2N Year by (first in the tractor. This image is of the side of an 8N engine with 'blowups' to show the We have aftermarket tractor parts and manuals for Ford 8N Serial NumberCasting Date. Serial numbers on the 9N2N and 8N tractors are located on the left side of the engine block, just below the head and behind the oil filter. The hundred series and 01 series tractor serial number location is on the flat area above and behind the starter. The first number is the model number. The format for the serial number on the 9N2N8N tractors is The Hundred series and newer tractor serial number location is. Ford Serial Numbers found in: Thermostat (included gasket for Ford models only), Rear Axle Outer Oil Seal Retainer To Housing Gasket, Tractor Serial. The 8N switched from the front mount distributor to the side mount distributor in 1950 at serial number. The serial number on the first 22, 238 NAAs made was on the left side of the engine block, just below the head. Ford 8N tractor overview Ford 8N Engines: Ford 2. 0L 4cyl gasoline: 8N Serial Numbers: Location: On the engine block. All 9N serial numbers will have a small star symbol stamped at the beginning and the end. Most 8N serial numbers will also have these star symbols. After serial number 8N the stars were changed to diamonds (like this 8N ) to designate the change to cast sleeves in the cylinders. Sep 17, N serial number location discussion in the Ford 9N, 2N, 8N forum at Yesterday's Tractors. Ford tractors can be identified by the serial number that has either been stamped behind the oil filter on the engine block's left side, on the left side of the. Serial Number Locations on Ford Tractors (1939 1964) N series 1939 1952 Serial numbers for 9N2N8N tractors are located on the left side of the engine block. Number of Matches Serial Number: 8N. New and used tractors for sale are generally divided into several classes based on the. How can the answer be improved?