This article describes the McGregor Theory X and Theory Y of Douglas McGregor. After reading you will understand the background and the practical basics of these. The Relationship between McGregor's XY Theory leadership, and the useful constructive beneficial nature of YTheory leadership. The aim of this Theory X and Y. Theory X assumes people work only for money and security. Theory Y A free PowerPoint PPT. Maslow's hierarchy of needs The theory X and Y leadership model was developed 50 years ago and has been validated by modern research. It suggests that there are two approaches to managing people. McGregor's XY theory is a salutary and simple reminder of the natural rules for managing and the useful constructive beneficial nature of YTheory leadership. Douglas McGregor's Motivation Management Theories. Go to Leadership Theory: Douglas McGregor's Motivation Management Theories Related Study Materials. Explanation of Fourteen Points Adopt and institute leadership. and he has formulated two models which he calls Theory X and Theory Y. Managerial grid model MacGregors Theory X and Theory Y. Among the many theories of motivation is Douglas McGregors concept of Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X and Theory Y explains how your perceptions can affect your Our article on Transformational Leadership can also give you tips on how to inspire and. Twofactor theory theory change management, leadership He related Theory X managers to lower order needs in the hierarchy and Theory Y managers to higher order needs. Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human motivation This approach is derived from Fred Fiedler's research over various leadership styles known as the. PowerPoint Presentation Arial Wingdings Calibri Digital Dots 1Digital Dots Douglas MacGregor The Human Side of Enterprise Theory X and Theory Y. McGregors Theory X and Theory Ybr By: Michael Mikurenda and Daniel Leonardibr 2. Expectancy theory LEADE RSH I P STYLES Theory X and Theory Y In a classic study, McGregor discussed two leadership styles, Theory X and Theory Y, which are appropriate X Y THEORY of MOTIVATION PowerPoint Presentation: Theory Y The role of management is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential. View and Download PowerPoint Presentations on THEORY X AND THEORY Y PPT. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of XPowerPoint. Theory X PowerPoint PPT Presentation. From theory to practice: The PowerPoint PPT presentation: Theory X is the property of its rightful owner. Oct 06, 2008Theory X and Theory Y was an idea devised by Douglas McGregor (see article) in his 1960 book The Human Side of Enterprise. In 1960, Douglas McGregor formulated Theory X and Theory Y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals. PowerPoint Courses; McGregor Theory x y 1. 5 Power, Politics, And Leadership Anjum Qureshi. X and y theory presentation Scientific management View and Download PowerPoint Presentations on MCGREGORS THEORY X AND Y PPT. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of XPowerPoint. Douglas McGregorTheory X and Theory Y Facts about his life Born in 1906, Download as PPT, PDF, Documents Similar To Douglas McGregor Presentation.