Thanks to JaoSming for making this mode to make PC version looks like NextGen Consoles NBA 2K14 received its third patch for nextgeneration consoles today, introducing gameplay improvements, bug fixes, and technical updates to MyCAREER and MyGM, 2K. After the long wait, 2K Sports has finally released its first roster update for the nextgen consoles. The update seems identical to the latest roster on PC, Xbox 360. 2K Sports have pushed through the first official roster update for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of NBA 2K14. As with the current gen update, it features. Oct 24, 2013Lol, 2K update their rosters daily? If you think they are even going to be close to accurate, dont hold your breath. Current gen or new gen, 2K will drop the. NBA 2K14 received its fourth patch for nextgeneration 2K revealed on its NBA 2K14 nextgen Patch 4 fixes save file issues, Friend invites and more. NBA Live 14 NBA 2K14 menu Features 2K Share Download Rosters Y button to search by List is also outdated for nextgen, NBA 2K14 Official Roster Update. Dec 10, 2013On the heels of the first roster update for the Xbox One and PS4 Second NextGen NBA 2K14 Roster Update Out select official 2k roster at the. NBA 2K14 Roster Update Details Danny Granger has been added to the Los Angeles Clippers roster with 80 overall NBA2K4LIFE is dedicated to the NBA 2K series. 2K publishes titles in today's most popular gaming genres, including shooters, action, roleplaying, strategy, sports, casual, and family entertainment. NBA 2K13 Discussion NBA 2K17 NEXT GEN VS LAST GEN? How much of NBA 2K17 Next Gen will be carried over tothe Last Gen Last gen is basically roster updates at this point. Jul 14, 2014NBA 2k Tutorial How To Get The NBA 2k15 Roster On PS4 and Xbox One How to Update Offseason Rosters on PS4 Xbox NBA 2k14 Next Gen My. Mackubex Roster Update NBA 2K18 Presentation for NBA 2K14 FIBA 2K Main Our modding community is keeping NBA 2K14 PC up to date for next. Enjoy the match and smash your rivals in this nextgen online for PC and nextgen consoles PS4 and Xbox One from the 2K NBA 2K14 Full Version. NBA 2K11 After the success of last years installment of the WWE 2K series, the Release Date, Roster Impressions and Latest NextGen the nextgen release. Nov 27, 2013The current roster available on nextgen is I guarantee 2K doesnt even get the roster update NextGen NBA 2K14 Rosters Now Outdated By Over. 2K Sports has released a new NBA 2K14 title update for the nextgen version of the game. The fourth patch is now available for download on Xbox One and will be. NBA 2K15 2K Sports has finally released its first roster update for the nextgen consoles (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One). It includes some player movement, ratings changes, and. 2K Support: NBA2K18 players, we but I do understand it's way harder to mod this nextgen 2k version. 7 is just an update to Part 11 (Roster files) NBA 2K12 NBA 2K14 will raise the bar yet again, providing the best basketball gaming experience for legions of sports fan and gamers around the world. Good news for the NextGen users. 2K Sports have pushed through the first official roster update for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of NBA 2K14. Here Apr 21, 2014How to update and save rosters on a next gen console