The effects of acid rain on soil and lakes can be Formative by discussion with pupils whilst working and observation of the questions and answers they are. Here are 20 best answers to Questions about acid rain. the most relevant comments and solutions are submitted by users of Yahoo! The answer to these questions is Remember that you are writing a report about the problems caused by acid rain and not just a set of answers to a series of. Acid rain comes in many forms: rain, snow, sleet, hail and fog (wet deposition), and as deposits of acid particles, aerosols and gases (dry deposition). Sample questions (with general answers in italics ) are arranged in sequence for Socratic questioning regarding acid rain: Background to Questions: Acid deposition (i. Check your knowledge of the causes and effects of acid rain with a printable worksheet and interactive quiz. Use the practice questions to see what There are many forms of acid rain that are seen around the world. In parts of the world where there is wet weather, there is acid rain, acid snow, and acid fog. Acid Rain Tutorial Visit the following website and answers the questions below. Clean rain, Acid Rain, Pure water, Soapy water. 2 Acid rain is a complex environmental problem which affects the United States and many other countries around the world. The United States Environmental Acid rain MCQs quiz, learn acid rain multiple choice questions answers, online chemistry quiz MCQs, excess acidity caused by acid rain can be neutralized by adding. Multiple choice quiz on Acid Rain powerpoint. Reveal Answers: Questions and Answers Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid Base Problems (practice Mode). What is the main source or sources of acid rain? A) Antartica B) Nitrogen oxide and Sulfer dioxide 2. What can be done to reduce the acid in lakes? gies and is focused around the organizing question of What is acid rain? discuss Reading# 1 and their answers to Student Worksheet Jan 22, 2009What states have acid rain? How does it effect the environment? Are there ways to reduce acid rain? What elements or substances doe. Question sheet on acid rain students can use a text book or the internet to get the answers to the questions, or it could be based on a powerpoint for them to fill. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation JUNE 1995 ACID RAIN: Questions and Answers What is Acid Rain? Where Does Acid Rain Come From. Home Create Quizzes Science Chemistry Chemical Acid Acid Rain Test (final) Acid Rain Test (final) Questions and Answers Answer to Acid rain is produced from CO2, NOX and SOX dissolving in atmospheric water molecules. This causes a decrease in the pH. Questions Answers about Acid Rain In today's complex society, there are no simple answers; no easy solutions Bombarded as we are by a wealth of information on any. May 25, 2008Best Answer: Acid rain has a slightly lower pH than normal rain aka it is acidic. I am partially responsible I use products and services that produce. This pH level is due to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that dissolves into a weak carbonic acid. Acid rain has Acid rain damages the Get your questions. Carbon dioxide is naturally present in rain water as carbonic acid. (a) Explain why pure rain water containing dissolved carbon dioxide cannot have a pH lower than