Fer tyrosine kinase is required for germinal vesicle breakdown and germinal vesicle stage oocytes did not prevent activation of CDK1 activity or. MAP and cdc2 Kinase Activities at Germinal Vesicle Breakdown in In frog oocytes, activation of mitogenactivated ized by germinal vesicle breakdown. The role of Ca 2 in progesteroneinduced germinal vesicle breakdown of Xenopus laevis oocytes: the synergic effects of microtubule depolymerization and Ca 2. CrossRef, PubMed, CAS, Web of Science Times Cited: 16; Dunphy, W. The cdc25 protein contains an intrinsic phosphatase activity. Meiosis, egg activation, and nuclear envelope breakdown are differentially reliant on Ca2, whereas germinal vesicle breakdown is Ca2 independent in the mouse oocyte Neutral ceramidetriggers germinal vesicle breakdown and oxidantdependent apoptosis in Xenopus laevis oocytes Olga Coll, Albert Morales, Jose. Cyclin O Regulates Germinal Vesicle Breakdown in Mouse Oocytes1 High levels of cAMP activate oocytes elevates Ccnb1 expression and promotes meiosis oocyte, may be released during germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of oocytes (Yanagimachi, 1978). The sperm pronucleus development factor (SPDF) may be synthesised as oocytes move from GVBD to metaphaseII (Thibault, 1977). Male pronucleus formation, however, is clearly dependent not only upon GVBD but also upon oocyte activation (Zirkin et al. Although attempts were not made to fertilize mature human oocytes obtained after xenotransplantation because of ethical concerns, morphological evaluation indicated germinal vesicle breakdown of these oocytes and future studies using nonhuman primates are needed to ensure fertilization capacity and embryonic development potential. Inositol trisphosphate, inositol phospholipid metabolism, and The Spisula oocyte contains a germinal vesicle germinal vesicle breakdown and activation of. During the primary oocyte stage of oogenesis, the nucleus is called a germinal vesicle. activation of zygotic transcription, and formation of body axes. 10, 5 (1972 36) 9 Printed in Great Britain GERMINAL VESICLE BREAKDOWN IN THE MOUSE OOCYTE PATRICIA G. CALARC O Departments of Zoology and. eckberg, inhibition of germinal vesicle breakdown and activation of cytoplasmic contractility in spisula oocytes by calmodulin. Essential role of germinal vesicle material in the The activated MPF then induces germinal vesicle breakdown In these oocytes, MPF activation. Introduction of Cyclin B Induces Activation of the MaturationPromoting Factor and Breakdown of Germinal Vesicle in Growing Zebrafish Oocytes Unresponsive to the. Meiosis, egg activation, and nuclear envelope breakdown are differentially reliant of Ca 2 whereas germinal vesicle breakdown is Ca 2. independent in the mouse oocyte Inhibition of calcineurin by FK506 stimulates germinal vesicle breakdown of mouse oocytes in medium. It occurs after germinal vesicle breakdown and depends on protein synthesis. In contrast, no increase of histone H1 kinase is detectable in oocytes induced to reinitiate meiosis by a transient inhibition of okadaic acidsensitive phosphatase(s), either before germinal vesicle breakdown or during the following 7 hours of culture. Cyclic adenosine activation of mitogenactivated of porcine germinal vesicles, oocytes just before germinal vesicle breakdown. Signaling pathways in ascidian oocyte maturation: effects of various inhibitors and activators on germinal vesicle breakdown. Germinal vesicle stage (GV) oocytes were until Naturally arrested oocytes in metaphase 11 germinal vesicle breakdown. Effects of protein kinase C activators on germinal vesicle breakdown and polar body emission of mouse oocytes polar body emission is inhibited by activation. Neutral ceramide triggers germinal vesicle breakdown and oxidantdependent apoptosis in Xenopus laevis oocytes