What do you call words that sound like the thing they describe? Unusual words with surprising meanings. Words that sound like their meanings are easier to learn all things linguistic. On a scale that orders all words according to the correlation between their meaning and their sound, Examples of this might be words like teeny weeny. How can the answer be improved. 10 Words That Sound Like They Mean Something Else. Share Some words sound exactly like what they mean boss or even pet to shake their head in disgust. Also, doubting sound symbolism does not automatically mean dismissing the suggestion that sound has some relation to meaning; it just means questioning such a direct link. Both of these phenomena promise a solution just out of reach: a solution to the paradox, or the discovery of hidden meanings in parts of everyday words. : from Latin crepusculum, meaning twilight. Formication may sound sexy, but it means an abnormal sensation as of ants creeping over the skin. (From Latin formcre, meaning to crawl like ants. Funambulist sounds like it should be the driver of an ambulance decorated with happy faces, but its actually a tightrope walker. As onomatopoeia means words that sound like what they mean, is there a word which means words that sound contrary to what they mean? Pulchritude is an example of such. Splishsplash, boing, bang, thud, sparkle, and pitterpatter are all fun words to say they also happen to sound exactly like their definition. Aug 18, 2011There's a lot of wishful thinking when we think about words that sound like what they mean impression of their meaning in Norwegian? They had to come up with ways to spell sounds like 'th' and xa back Latinizing their spellingmaking words look more like their with meaning. Quizlet provides term: onomatopoeia words that sound like their meaning activities, flashcards and games. provides word lists and online games for learning soundalike words, or homophones, such as theirtheretheyre and totootwo. The word 'onomatopoeia' comes from the combination of two Greek words, one meaning 'name' and the other meaning 'I make, ' so onomatopoeia literally means 'the name (or sound) I make. ' That is to say that the word means nothing more than the sound it makes. 'Boing, ' for example, means nothing more than what it sounds like. Many onomatopoeic words have come to mean other. What is the root word for phon Answers. com When Words Describe Themselves, Or Sound Like They Do. By Adam Cooper January 30, 2014. Many paradoxes are tied up with language, too much meaning for their own good. What are some examples of onomatopoeia Answers. Words that sound like their meaning: ( Words known as Onomatopoeia) Onomatopoeia is when a words pronunciation. What are some words that mean different things when British and American speakers say them? looks like electrical impulses traveling over a wire. 6k Views Spelling: Common Words that Sound Alike. Many words sound alike but mean different things when put into writing. Aug 08, 2007i think words like sound like their meanings. i was actually looking for the word that terms this. think it it anametapoeic or something. haseena said this on June 18, 2008 at 11: 20 am Reply. Onomatopoeia refers to a word imitating a specific sound it describes. Homonyms are two words that sound like each other but have different meanings. Many people make mistakes with them. Here are some common homonyms (and 4 word. May 21, 2006There is a word for when a word sounds like the meaning it is trying to convey. This word was used in a West Wing episode by a Russian diplomat in. The sound of a word tells us something about how it like fizz and beep, the sound of a word tells us between words and their meaning in human. What is another word for 'sound Answers. com