Dec 14, 2012In case anyone is interested Lincoln Brewster has finally made his pod hd500 patches available on his website. He just announced it on Facebook today Line 6 POD HD500 Lincoln Brewster Marshall Style the brand new HD500 patches designed by Lincoln Brewster himself for Players Using Hd 500? Pod HD 500 patches I bought a Pod HD 500 a few months back, [Desperation Band [Generation Unleashed [Lincoln Brewster [Planetshakers [Theory. Nov 11, 2017Im thinking about buying the line 6 hd500 I hear it's amazing! On Lincoln Brewster's web sight it gives his patches to down load in to you line 6 pod Lincoln landed his first mainstream record contract by the time he was 19 years old and was playing with rocker Steve Perry Pod Patches; Subscribe. 179, 935 likes 429 talking about this. Born in Fairbanks, AK, in 1971, Lincoln Brewster was playing drums. Dec 15, 2012Mix Official Lincoln Brewster HD500 Patches YouTube; Line6 POD HD 500 Tips Tricks by Glenn DeLaune Duration: 5: 18. Apr 19, 2014Lincoln Brewster Patches posted in POD X3: Hey everyone, I downloaded Lincoln Brewsters patches off his sitebut im having a hard time with them. Very versatile Line 6 POD HD500x patch based PHD Line 6 POD HD500x Patch. use this for solos and lead lines. This sound is inspired by Lincoln Brewster. Using Presets Submitting Presets Loading and sharing presets for Line6 POD pedals requires Line6 Monkey Software. Download Official Lincoln Brewster Hd500 Patches mp3 for free. official lincoln brewster hd patches and listen to line pod hd lincoln brewster marshall style preset. POD HD500 patches are up on my facebook page. See more of Lincoln Brewster on Facebook. Dec 17, 2012Lincoln Brewster Pod HD500 patches Discussion in ' I sort of agree. I have seen Lincoln play live many times including way back in the day. Jul 02, 2012Finally got Lincoln Brewster patches for HD500 I think I found your Lincoln patch at custom did because I just sold my pod x3 live and bought the hd 500. May 02, 2011But that he WAS using a POD HD500! Saw Lincoln Brewster last night and Lincoln still uses the Axe at his home church and in. Find best value and selection for your LINE 6 POD HD500 HUGE PATCHES COLLECTION over 9000 patches tones search on eBay. These moderate drive settings account for the vast majority of Lincoln Brewsters POD patches. Lincoln uses digital delay on many of i had the hd500 by the. To use Lincoln's POD Patch Library you will need a Line6 product compatible with a PODX3 or PODxt Live tone library. (PODxt, PODxt Live, PODxt PRO, POD X3, et The fabled Lincoln Brewster POD patches are one of the most 24 Responses to POD Patches Lincoln Brewster Can you build the tone using the pod hd500 and. So I have now downloaded your patches and I cant tell you how happy i am What a value for my Pod HD 500x on your computer named Downloads. Download Official Lincoln Brewster Hd500 Patches mp3 for free. official lincoln brewster hd patches and listen to line pod hd lincoln brewster marshall style preset. Sep 14, 2012Line 6 POD HD500 Lincoln Brewster Marshall Style PRESET Official Lincoln Brewster HD500 Patches Duration: Slash AFD tone POD HD 500